

François Pascal has always been an artist.  He tried going to law school but after two years, he knew it wasn’t for him and promptly applied to the the Beaux Arts in Montpellier, France. Despite no formal training he was immediately accepted.  During art school he supported himself with graphic design jobs and making advertisements.  After graduating he did murals which led him to Italian plaster.  Using marble dust and aged plaster offered him an infinite amount of textures and frescoes he could create, but to do it truly well he needed the secret techniques of a master plasterer. Knowing this he left for Italy where after several failed attempts he finally snuck into a master’s studio to learn the tricks of the trade.  

Since the seventies, he has used his mastery of plaster to create a sustainable artist’s life. Whether living in Paris or Seattle, Santa Fe or Arles, Portland or Guadeloupe he creates.  Walls, murals, frescoes.  Paintings, drawings, shields.  Exhibiting in galleries, decorating commercial spaces and residences and working with the top architects and designers, his guiding principle is the search for beauty either in Nature or by his own creation.  His goal is not to have his work tucked away in a museum but to enhance the beauty around us.